Party Essentials 10-Count Hard Plastic 6.5" Twisted Square Dessert/Appetizer Plates, Black

Party Essentials
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  • Northwest Enterprises Square Twist 6.5-inch dessert plates have traditional styling with a modern feel; available in white, black, clear and neon
  • Each package contains 10 hard plastic plates with a slightly rotated square serving area that creates a sense of sophistication without the formality
  • Square Twist dessert plates are hand washable, soak-proof and cut resistant; Square Twist salad, luncheon and dinner plates are also available
  • Ideal for catering, food service, picnics, weddings, buffets, family reunions and everyday use
  • From dinnerware, cutlery and cups to serve ware, table covers and more, Northwest Enterprises has just the right party essentials available on Amazon

  • Leave it to those clever folks at Northwest Enterprises to take a whole new "twist" on the classic plastic plate. Square Twist plates are, of course, square, but a closer look will reveal that the plate's square serving area has been slightly rotated, giving it a truly unique appearance. And, because setting a fabulous table is really all about setting just the right mood, Northwest Enterprises is committed to offering high quality party essentials with an upscale look and feel at an affordable price. Each package contains 10 distinctly different heavy-duty plastic plates with a nice depth, traditional styling with a modern bent and clean lines that capture the eye without overwhelming your table. The plates are also absolutely soak-proof, cut resistant and won't dip, fold or bend as your guests carry them while they happily mix and mingle. And, the plates are even hand-washable, so they can make several memorable post-party appearances on your table. So, whether it's a wedding, a simple neighborhood get together or easy-cleanup everyday use, choosing North West Enterprises will create the perfect mood at the perfect price. North West Enterprises is a traditional family company with more than 25 years of experience in party supplies and food service disposables. Through their dedication to the high quality of their products and services, North West Enterprises continues to earn a reputation as a leader in the party industry and the trust and loyalty of their customers.
    Brand: Party Essentials, Model: N61017, Color: Black Twisted Square, Size: 10-Count

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