Papo Wild Animal Kingdom Figure, Snow Leopard

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  • One Of The Big Cat - The Snow Leopard also known as the snow panther is a carnivorous mammal and it is a big cat from the "panthera" genus living in the high mountains of central Asia, Siberia and the Altai. It has a very thick coat and even its paw pads are covered with fur, it has everything it needs to protect it from the intense cold.
  • Mix and Match - This realistic beautiful, thick fur, has a white yellowish or soft gray coat with ringed spots of black on brown Snow Leopard figure is perfect to mix and match with other Papo wild animals. It is great for education purposes, creative play, party favors and crafts.
  • Develops Dexterity And Sparks The Imagination - We encourage your kids to use their imagination to create their own magical kingdom. This Papo toy will help to develop their skills while enjoying hours of imaginative play in wild life series.
  • Beautifully Finished And Durable - The model figures are hand-painted and the extreme attention to detail is universally recognised. Papo has made safety a central priority and this aspect is taken into account from the very first design stages; Suitable for ages: 3 Years.

  • A carnivorous mammal, the snow Leopard (also known as the snow Panther or ounce) is a big cat from the "Panthera" genus living in the high mountains of central Asia, Siberia and the Altai. It has a very thick coat and even its paw pads are covered with fur. It has everything it needs to protect it from the intense cold.
    Brand: Papo, Model: 50160, Color: Multicolor

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