Palmgren V-roller material support pedestal stand, 18"

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  • High precision one-piece steel construction.
  • Chrome plated cold rolled steel screws.
  • Very small angles may be set with ease and accuracy using standard gage block sets because of the built-in .2" minute steps.
  • Quick easy height adjustments

  • The Palmgren material support stands are made of heavy duty cast iron and steel for handling heavy loads of stock up to 2,000 pounds. A clamping mechanism on the column allows for quick and easy height adjustments. Locking screws provide added safety.   9670141 Stand comes with a Horizontal Head. 9670181 Stand comes with a V-Roller Head. Replacement heads are available and are interchangable. The Horizontal Head has two chrome-plated, 2 x 14 " ball bearing roller heads and is designed to smoothly move up to 2,000 pounds of flat stock. The V-Roller Head has two chrome-plated, 2 x 5 " ball bearing roller heads and is designed to smoothly move up to 2,000 pounds of round stock 1 " to 18 " in diameter.   [custom1] SPECIFICATION DESCRIPTION Weight Holding Capacity 2000 lb Length of Horizontal Roller 5 in Minimum Stock Dia 1 in Maximum Stock Dia 18 in Height Range 23 in - 38-1/2 in Base Size 15 in x 16-1/2 in Weight 47 lb [/custom1]
    Brand: Palmgren, Model: MSV18 (AmazonUs/ERCT9)

    Custom Tab 01

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