Paddywax Eco Collection Scented Soy Wax Jar Candle, 8-Ounce, Basil & Cucumber

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  • Soy wax candle in upcycled wine bottle containers with a wood top stamped with the paddywax logo
  • Only the purest ingredients are used (no synthetics) in these all natural produced candles
  • 8-ounce candle burns up to 60 hours, hand-poured in the usa
  • Basil and Cucumber fragrance provides you with the scent of fresh cucumber, waking up the senses with underlying herbaceous notes of green basil
  • Provides a celebration for the senses, transforming one's surroundings with elegant looks and enticing fragrances that make everyday extraordinary

  • In pursuit of social responsibility, we offer this smart collection of Eco Green, featuring recycled wine bottles filled with luscious scented soy wax candles. Simplicity of design combines with exquisite fragrances to create the perfect guilt free indulgence. Paddywax, an artisan candle company, is known for its innovative fragrances and fresh style. All of our Candles are proudly made in the U.S.A., and every candle is hand treated from start to finish, giving each piece a personal touch. Paddywax boasts a variety of candle collections satisfying any candle need from décor to gifting to simply indulging - and isn't that what candles are really about Our candles are artisan in every sense, closely resembling techniques used to make candles hundreds of years ago. From fragrance throw to burn time, each custom recipe is made to deliver the best experience. Our fragrance blends are developed to distribute the most natural aroma through the use of all natural ingredients. We take pride in never offering a synthetic fragrance; instead we constantly push ourselves to create something natural and unique. It begins when every candle is hand poured and ends when each product is packaged with precision. Each bow and label are applied by hand to give every product that human touch that is worthy of gift giving. We take pride in our work and know that every detail counts. Here at Paddywax we believe what is truly beautiful in life lies in the details and that is why we love what we do so much. We hope you too fall in love with Paddywax.
    Brand: Paddywax, Model: EG08, Color: Basil & Cucumber, Size: 8 oz

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