PacTool International SA90338 Gecko Gauge, LP Siding Installation Tool (1 Set)

PacTool International
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  • ONE-PERSON INSTALLATION - gauges and supports LP thick composite siding products for one-person installation with virtually no layout time
  • USE WITH LP SIDING PRODUCTS - use the SA90338 gecko gauge siding tool with 3/8" LP composite siding products
  • ADJUSTABLE - gauge is adjustable at 1/4" increments for 4"-8" siding reveals
  • PATENTED FRICTION-CAM MECHANISM - supports full 16' LP siding lengths
  • WON'T SCRATCH OR MAR - gecko gauge won't scratch or mar pre-painted siding

  • GIVE YOURSELF A HAND. Working as a pair, the Gecko Gauge clamps to each siding course, acting as a second set of hands to gauge and support the next course for nailing. Get fast, accurate one-person installation with less fatigue and with virtually no layout. Every Gecko Gauge uses a patented friction-cam mechanism for incredible holding power to fully support up to 16'siding lengths. Our SA903 models feature a non-marring design – great for primed and pre-painted siding, while our SA902 models are made with ultra-durable aluminum and recommended for pried (non-painted) siding only. Gecko Gauge is recognized as the fastest and simplest fiber-cement siding tool. Take your siding installation to the next level with the Gecko Gauge!
    Brand: PacTool International, Model: SA90338

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