OXO Tot On-the-Go Drying Rack with Bottle Brush, Teal

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Brand OXO
Model 62123600
Color Teal

  • Compact, all-in-one cleaning solution perfect when away from home
  • Bottle brush with silicone detail cleaner and bottle brush stand fit securely inside drying rack
  • Flexible tines elevate bottles, nipples and breast pump parts to allow for ventilation
  • Rib pattern wicks away water and provides ample space for drying. Dishwasher-safe top rack only
  • Ideal for sanitary drying of bottles and sippy cups on the go, or breast pump parts at work or while traveling

  • Make cleaning up away from home less of a chore with the OXO tot travel drying rack and bottle brush. This compact cleaning kit is small enough to easily fit into diaper bags or purses while on the road. It opens up into a drying rack with flexible tines to accommodate bottles, nipples, breast pump parts and more. Neatly tucked inside the folded drying rack are a silicone detail cleaner and bottle brush head that assemble to form a full sized bottle brush. The brush has soft and firm bristles for gentle cleaning or serious scrubbing and has a soft handle that is non-slip, even when wet. The silicone detail cleaner cleans tight spots like bottle nipples and breast pump parts more effectively than bristles can. The ventilation holes provide aeration for quick drying, so you can say good-bye to wet brushes in inconvenient plastic bags.

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