Outus 70 Yards Iron On Hem Tape Fabric Fusing Hemming Tape No Sew Hem Tape Roll for Jeans Trousers Garment Clothes (20 mm Wide)

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  • Fusing hem tape size: this roll of hem tape has a length of 63 meters and a width of 20 mm, it is long enough for your basic need of home sewing, crafting, etc.
  • No sew hem tape: this roll of no-sew hemming tape will securely bond fabrics that can be steam pressed, and the fusible iron on adhesive web can be applied to fabrics without sewing
  • Helper for sewing: fusing hem tape offers home sewers and crafters some convenient and innovative ways to finish projects neatly and beautifully without strings and needles
  • Instruction: place a suitable section of the double sided no-sew hem tape between 2 pieces of fabrics that you want to be stitched together, then ironing on the fabrics
  • Wide application: this heat hem tape can be applied on jeans, skirts, dresses, pants made of various fabrics as long as they are not very smooth or sticky, such as denim, cotton, etc.

  • Double-sided adhesive hem tape is a special adhesive lining made of viscose and what makes it special is that it can be applied as a bonding between 2 pieces of fabrics. Suitable for fixing hems, facings, trims, etc. without needles and strings. Features: No sew hem tape: This roll of no-sew hemming tape will securely bond fabrics that can be steam pressed, and the fusible iron on adhesive web can be applied to fabrics without sewing. Helper for sewing: Fusing hem tape offers home sewers and crafters some convenient and innovative ways to finish projects neatly and beautifully without using strings and needles, easy to operate. Instruction: Place a suitable section of the double sided no-sew hem tape between 2 pieces of fabrics that you want to be stitched together, then ironing on the fabrics. Wait a few seconds till it was done. Wide application: This heat hem tape can be applied on jeans, skirts, dresses, pants made of various fabrics as long as they are not very smooth or sticky, such as denim, cotton, etc. Specifications: Color: white Hem bonding tape roll size: 12 x 12 x 2 cm/ 4.7 x 4.7 x 0.8 inches Note: Not suitable for very smooth or sticky fabrics. Avoid direct contact with high-heat iron in case of melting vestige. Package includes: 1 Roll of iron on hem tape
    Brand: Outus, Model: 4337014236, Color: white, Size: 20 mm Wide

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