Requires Outdoor Edge 3.5 inch replacement blades model RR-6
Weight 2.6 ounces
Handle is Grivory (glass/nylon)
This is the sharpest, strongest, replacement razor knife available, with blades that change safely and easily at the push of a button. The black oxide coated blade holder supports the razor blade for the strength of a standard knife and sharpness of a surgeons scalpel. The 3.5 inch Japanese 420J2 stainless razor blades are precisely heat treated and hand finished shaving sharp. The one piece Grivory polymer handle features a Trimond texture pattern for a non slip grip, even when wet. The double sided thumb stud allows easy, one hand opening and the replaceable pocket clip contours with the handle so it feels like an integral part of the grip. The Onyx EDC comes complete with three replacement blades, and replacement packs of 6 blades are sold separately. Brand: Outdoor Edge, Model: OX-10, Color: Black
Custom Tab 01
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