Ossur Cold Rush Cold Therapy System - Unit with Large Shoulder Pad - B-232000010B-232000016

Ossur North America
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  • Decrease anti inflammatory medications, pain symptoms
  • Improve joint function, quality of life
  • Reduce surgery swelling, continuous cold therapy
  • Before you use any product for health care, we advise that you consult your physician or primary healthcare provider and seek the appropriate advice and supervision prior to use.
  • Large Shoulder Pad

  • Cold rush's holistic with shoulder pad large design features a durable motor, a stronger flow rate than the top selling units and an industry-leading ice-to-water ratio that ensures longer cooling times. Yet, it is whisper-quiet and compact, weighing just 4.6 lbs (2.1 kilograms). Go with the flow, by incorporating the same durable motor used in much larger mobile air conditioners and refrigerators, cold rush with shoulder pad large provides consistent cooling and excellent compression, even to high elevations. Quiet as a whisper, the cold rush with shoulder pad large uses a brushless motor to produce a whisper-quiet (30 decibel) unit that allows patients to get the rest they need to properly rehabilitate from their injuries.Stay cooler longer, the highest ice-to-water ratio in the industry and a design that produces less heat transfer from the motor to the water combine to ensure cold therapy pain relief for up to 6 continuous hours. No igloos, far more than just a modified beverage cooler, cold rush with shoulder pad large was designed holistically, with unique features like a locking lid to help prevent spills and insulated walls for improved cooling.
    Brand: Ossur North America

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