Ortofon OM Q.Bert Single Turntable Cartridge

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  • Designed together with DJ QBert for scratch and back-cueingSpherical diamondCantilever made from aluminum tube with increased wall thicknessCantilever tip is fluorescent to better see in dark environmentsExtra-large cutout makes stylus freely visible from aboveCan withstand heavy workouts

  • Designed together with DJ QBert for scratch and back-cueing, this OM Q.Bert single cartridge has a very good ability to find the grove and stay there. It uses a spherical diamond and enables a very high output (10 — 11 mV). Several Ortofon technologies make it possible to realize high sound quality and low record wear at the high tracking forces that are necessary in disco environments. DJs all over the world claim very high demands to their professional equipment. The cartridge plays a decisive part in helping them realize the scratching, back-cueing, and live artistic performance parts of the show. Reliability and robustness is vital, when the cartridges night after night will have to withstand these demands in environments with extreme sound pressure and vibration.Scratching and back-cueing impose heavy mechanical stress on the cantilever and its rubber bearing. Therefore, the Ortofon disco cartridges like the DJ Q.Bert model are equipped with cantilevers made from aluminum tube with increased wall thickness. Special attention has also been paid to the attachment of the bearing and the design of the bearing itself. This means that rough treatment will neither damage the cartridge nor degrade its stability.For easier cueing, the nose of the DJ QBert cartridges have an extra-large cutout which makes the stylus freely visible from above, and further, the tip of the cantilever is fluorescent for more accurate placement.
    Brand: Ortofon, Model: OM QBERT SINGLE, Color: Black

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