Original Oval Mood Ring (Adjustable Size) One size fits all

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  • Keep track of your emotions & look stylish while doing so with this classic Mood Ring!
  • Features a stylish silver band which is adjustable to fit all people; kids and adults!
  • Includes one moon ring complete with a color mood chart so you know how your emotions are holding up!
  • Made of high quality jewelers metal & lightweight as not to weigh down.
  • Measures approximately 1/2" x 3/4". Will change colors with your moods & temperature.

  • Mood rings have captivated generation with their seemingly amazing ability to determine a persons mood at any given time! These rings are just as amazing, memorizing and stylish as they were when they were first made popular with the baby boomer hippie generation of the 1960's. Each ring features a stylish silver band which is adjustable to fit all people; kids and adults! watch as your ring changes color; morphing from one color form to another as your mood change! Each ring comes complete with a color mood chart so you know how your emotions are holding up! One size size fits all. 1/2 x 3/4 inches.
    Brand: BeWild, Model: 8R-VUS2-YKRY, Color: Silver

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