Organic Egyptian Cotton Newborn Baby Gift in Treasure Box

Under the Nile
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  • Our baby gift baskets have long been a customer favorite! We have kept the wonderfully soft, organic cotton baby gift items and transformed the basket into keepsake treasure boxes that are durable, sustainable and reusable and filled with organic goodies.
  • New Design! Hand crafted treasure boxes are made especially for UTN by a Fair Trade artisan group and they are the perfect place to save baby's first keepsake items. Each box is made with recycled chip board and handmade wild grass paper then delicately fastened with a coconut shell closure.
  • Inside every box lies carefully selected pieces from our 100% Certified Egyptian Cotton Baby Gifts. The perfect ensemble for your little one. Includes: a long sleeve side snap babybody, receiving blanket, and toy. NB-6 Mo.
  • These garments are safe, pesticide-free, comfortable and naturally dyed.
  • Fair Trade allows artisans a fair wage to support their families.

  • Under the Nile products offer you an alternative to conventional apparel. All the cotton is 100% ORGANIC, 100% Egyptian. The natural cotton assures you that absolutely no pesticides or chemicals have been used through the entire production process. These products were created because of concern about the pollutants that our children are exposed to, which includes the clothes they wear. These garments are safe, pesticide-free, comfortable and naturally dyed. Accessories such as buttons and zippers are made for organically friendly elements like wood, shell or nickel-free metals. The farm that grows our cotton and makes our apparel focuses on fair trade and provides a worldwide model community for organic agriculture along with a supportive work place. The fact that we use cotton grown in Egypt makes it even more extraordinary because of the extremely soft, gentle and durable features Egyptian cotton is known for.
    Brand: Under the Nile

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