Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer Weight Gainer Protein Powder,Double Rich Chocolate, 10.19 Pounds (Packaging May Vary)

Optimum Nutrition
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  • High-Quality Proteins: Pro Gainer is comprised of high biological value proteins, which means they are easily digested and absorbed so they provide a full complement of amino acids to support the rebuilding process. Each serving of Pro Gainer provides a 60-gram dose of premium muscle-building protein made from 7 unique sources.
  • Complex Carbohydrates & Lipids: Carbohydrates and lipids (fats and oils) provide sustained energy that help prevent proteins from being burned as fuel. Each serving of Pro Gainer provides 85 grams of carbohydrates and 4-5 grams of fiber with only 5 grams of sugar. In addition Pro Gainer supplies medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) and other energy-dense lipids.
  • Micronutrients: Various vitamins and essential minerals are utilized during the growth process. Without these micronutrients your body cannot effectively process proteins, carbohydrates, or fats. Each serving of Pro Gainer provides 26 vitamins and essential minerals.
  • Calories: To gain just one extra pound, you need to consume approximately 3,500 calories-above and beyond what you normally consume through foods, beverages, and supplements. Pro Gainer provides over 600 calories per serving. By adding just one serving to your daily routine, you can begin to experience an increase in lean mass within the first week.
  • Mixes Effortlessly with a Blender, Shaker, or Spoon

  • Putting on size requires a balance of heavy training and quality nutrition. Because everyone's a little different, some have a harder time packing on muscle than others. PRO Gainer is a high-protein formula delivering calories that count during recovery. Each shake provides ample supplemental protein, carbs, vitamins and minerals to build on the amount you're getting through a balanced diet of food. Use PRO Gainer as your post-workout recovery shake and/or high-protein meal between meals.
    Brand: Optimum Nutrition, Model: OP65, Size: 10lbs Gainer

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