Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Powder, Delicious Strawberry, 2 Pound

Optimum Nutrition
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  • Gold Standard 100% Whey delivers 24g of whey protein, has 5.5 grams of naturally occurring BCAAs, and 4 grams of naturally occurring glutamine per serving.Gluten Free.
  • Over 20 delicious flavors! Comes in multiple sizes, most popular are 5, 2, 10, and 1 pound sizes.
  • Have an Alexa device Enable our "Optimum Nutrition Workout Recipes" Skill!
  • Whey protein shake consumed before or after exercise helps kick start muscle recovery for men and women.
  • Frequently purchased with ON Creatine, ON Amino Energy, and Opti-Men

  • Optimum Nutrition's Gold Standard 100% Whey uses pure Whey Protein Isolates as the primary ingredient. Combined with ultra-filtered whey protein concentrate, each serving provides 24 grams of all-whey protein and 5.5 grams of naturally occurring Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) which are prized by athletes for their muscle building qualities. With more than 20 tempting flavors to choose from, ON's Gold Standard 100% Whey gives you plenty of ways to keep workout recovery interesting. Search "ON Apparel True Strength" to see our new ON clothing line! Directions - Just add one rounded scoop of Gold Standard 100% Whey to a glass filled with 6-8 oz of water or your favorite beverage. Then mix it up with a spoon. Stir for about 30 seconds or until powder is completely dissolved. Tip: Adjust the intensity of your Whey by varying the amount of liquid that you use to prepare it. For a bolder flavor with slightly more body and sweetness, mix each scoop with 4-6 ounce of water, milk, or your favorite beverage. For a milder tasting, less sweet shake, use 8-10 ounce of liquid per scoop
    Brand: Optimum Nutrition, Model: 1054624, Color: Whey, Size: 2 Pound

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