OP/TECH USA Soft Pouch Digital D-SLR Zoom (Black)

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  • Easy-access neoprene cases stretch to fit most film and digital cameras
  • Unique retaining strap attaches the case around the lens or to the tripod mount so that it is out of the field of view when taking a picture
  • Great for use in the field as the case closes around the neck strap so that the strap is still usable
  • Non-marring snaps on the bottom of the pouch securely close the flap cover
  • Made in the USA

  • The Soft Pouch - Digital D-Series pouches from OP/TECH USA offer ideal protection against impact, moisture and dust. Avoid expensive repair and cleaning bills by protecting your camera while in use or in storage. These easy-access neoprene cases fit most film and digital cameras. The pouches in the larger styles were designed with enough room in the lens area that a lens hood can be mounted backwards in the storage position and still fit in the pouch. The tele sizes can fit cameras with lenses measuring up to 10” (25,4 cm) in length. Non-marring snaps securely close the flap cover on the bottom of the pouch. A unique retaining strap attaches the case around the lens or to the tripod mount so that it is out of the field of view when taking a picture (D-Micro, D-Mini, D-Small, and D-Compact have a snap hook lanyard that attaches to the camera or strap), or it can be fastened to a belt or bag strap. These pouches are great for use in the field as they are lightweight, weather resistant and the case closes around the neck strap so that the neck strap is still usable. This makes the pouches a streamlined and convenient way to protect your gear. There's no need to carry the bulk of an oversized bag when you can have the protection and convenience of the Soft Pouch - Digital D-Series.
    Brand: OP/TECH USA, Model: 7401204, Color: Black

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