Oncor 6ft Eco-Friendly Aspen Fir Christmas Tree

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  • Hinge Tree with 888 Tips
  • Metal Christmas Tree Stand
  • GO GREEN: Made from 100% Recycled Non-Toxic PVC Plastic
  • EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY: Manufactured for 30 Years of Reusing

  • Size:6ft

    This 6ft Eco-Friendly Oncor Aspen Fir Christmas tree comes as a hinge tree that arrives disassembled with 2-section trunks for faster assembly.

    All Oncor Recycled Christmas Trees are made of 100% recycled PVC plastic instead of new plastic, thereby reducing the use of fossil fuels in the production process.

    We use the best quality raw materials and tree parts to give all Oncor trees a minimum 30-year product life in order to make 30 or more joyful Christmases eco-friendly.

    All Oncor tree trunks are made with a unique technology of paint-coating both sides of the metal pipes and all wire branches to prevent rust for at least 30 years.

    Oncor green boxes are made from strong recycled material cardboard so that consumers can continually reuse our boxes to store Oncor trees after Christmas.

    We are the only Christmas tree manufacturer to use super glue instead of white glue on every tree branch to prevent tree tips from falling off within 30 years.

    Established in 1980, Oncor is the oldest Christmas tree factory in China. Our trees have an industry-leading product life of 30 or more years.

    Let's make Christmas eco-friendly by using Recycled Christmas Trees.

    Brand: Oncor, Color: Green, Size: 6ft

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