Olloclip Telephoto Circular Polarizing Lens for iPhone 5

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  • Olloclip Telephoto Circular Polarizing Lens for iPhone 5

  • The olloclip telephoto is a quick-connect lens solution for the iPhone that includes a 2x telephoto lens and a circular polarizer filter, in a convenient package that easily fits in your pocket. Nestled in the palm of your hand, the olloclip connects to the iPhone within seconds so you'll be sure to capture the image you want. The circular polarizer can work in conjunction with the 2x telephoto lens, or by itself to allow your iPhone camera to take much more vibrant photos. The 2x telephoto lens brings images further from you closer. The circular polarizer filter eliminates glare allowing your photos to be much more vibrant. The circular polarizer works in conjunction with the 2x telephoto lens or just with your normal iPhone lens. The circular polarizer can also be used with the olloclip fisheye lens and wide-angle lens when you use the included Step-Down Adapter. The olloclip ships with a carrying bag made from a microfiber material that doubles as a lens cleaner.
    Brand: Olloclip, Model: OCEU-IPH5-TCP-B

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