O'GEAR Hanayama Cast Metal Brain Teaser Puzzle (Level 3)

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  • Hanayama's O'Gear Puzzle is a beautiful puzzle designed to challenge your dexterity and your mind
  • Once you've taken the puzzle apart, can you put it together again
  • Hanayama is known worldwide for challenging puzzles and quality manufacturing
  • Level 3 puzzles are considered moderately difficult by most puzzlers; for age 12 and up
  • BePuzzled is more than just jigsaw puzzles - it's puzzle-plus

  • First developed in 19th century Britain, this die-cast zinc cube and key is an ancient puzzle that still baffles minds today.-- A prizewinner from the 2001 1st Annual World Puzzle Design competition, this puzzle was designed by the young Dutch phenomenon, Oskar, consider to be one of the world's brightest creators. The gear exhibits a unique kind of movement. Once together in its final form of beauty, the gear fixed in place in the cubic box could very well serve as a desk decoration to satisfy a kind of soothing, intellectual curiosity. The key word is 'teeth'.
    Brand: Bepuzzled, Model: 30834

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