Nylabone Just For Puppies Petite Pink Dental Bone Puppy Dog Chew Toy

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  • Nylabone Puppy Chew toys encourage nondestructive chewing habits while satisfying the natural urge to chew
  • Softer material designed for teething puppies
  • Dental nubs help clean teeth and prevent plaque and tartar buildup
  • Available in pink or blue dental bone or wishbone
  • Recommended for puppies up to 15 pounds

  • Developing proper chewing habits is one of the best lessons your young pup can learn. Start them down the right path now with a chew they'll love! These bones are made of softer materials for puppies. They help puppies develop proper chewing habits, grow strong teeth and jaws. Textures assist with dental care by aiding in the removal of plaque and tartar
    Brand: Nylabone, Model: NPP901P, Color: Pink, Size: X-Small

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