Nylabone Dura Chew Regular Original Flavored Wishbone Dog Chew Toy

SKU: EZFB0010P66Z2
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  • DuraChew toys are made to be long lasting for powerful chewers
  • Bristles raised during chewing help clean teeth and control plaque and tartar
  • Provides long-lasting entertainment; fights boredom
  • Satisfies your dog's natural urge to chew

  • Give your dog something good to chew on. Made with tough, durable nylon, the Nylabone DuraChew Wishbone was designed for powerful chewers. It provides long-lasting enjoyment, satisfies the natural urge to chew, and encourages positive chewing habits. Plus, the bristles raised during chewing promote clean teeth and help control plaque and tartar buildup. (Different dogs have different chewing styles and strengths, even within the same breed, so be sure to choose the correct chew size and type for your dog.)
    Brand: Nylabone, Model: N213P, Color: Natural, Size: Regular/Small

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