Great before, during or after your workout or competition
Perfect for that afternoon pick-me-up
B-vitamins and amino acids--the healthy way to energy, endurance and stamina
Energy. Stamina, Endurance. ProEndorphin is an effervescent cocktail designed to deliver energy you feel in minutes. With a combination of B vitamins and amino acids, ProEndorphin is the healthy way to energize your life. ProEndorphin effervescent delivery allows the nutrients to take effect quickly, supplying you with energy endurance and stamina. Great before, during or after your workout or competition. Perfect for that afternoon pick-me-up. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.) When I took my first ProEndorphin, I noticed a warm red flush on my skin. What is that Niacin is a B vitamin and a key ingredient in ProEndorphin. One quality of Niacin is that it dilates blood vessels, creating a sensation of warmth often called a niacin flush. This harmless flush can also produce redness of the skin on the face and neck, as well as a tingling sensation for some. The reaction is usually mild, lasts 5-15 minutes, and will disappear with continued use of ProEndorphin. Brand: Nutraceutics, Model: 5002, Color: Citrus, Size: 20 tabs
Custom Tab 01
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