#1 Selling Coconut Oil in the US for over 10 years
USDA Organic, Non-GMO, Virgin, Kosher, Non-Hydrogenated, No Cholesterol
It also has a neutral scent and flavor (versus virgin coconut oil which has a distinct coconut smell and flavor). This makes it ideal for recipes where a coconut flavor is not desired.
Nutiva Organic, Steam Refined Coconut Oil from non-GMO, Sustainably Farmed Coconuts is rich in lauric acid and MCTs, making it one of the world's most nourishing and versatile superfoods. Unlike other oils on the market, Nutiva's Steam Refined Coconut Oil is extracted and processed using steam instead of hexane or other dangerous chemicals. At Nutiva, we start with organic, non-GMO Southeast Asian coconuts, sustainably harvested, dried, chopped, and steam processed to naturally extract the purest, flavor and aroma free coconut oil on the market today. This lack of odor and neutral profile make it great for use in all of your recipes where a coconut flavor is not desired. Nutiva Organic, Steam Refined Coconut Oil is ideal as a high heat cooking oil for sautéing and stir frying and is a healthful addition to vegetarian, vegan, raw, whole food, paleo, ketogenic, and gluten-free diets. The purity and nutrient density of Nutiva Organic, Steam Refined Coconut Oil make it good for you both inside and out. Use the luscious, soothing oil as a natural skin moisturizer, eye make-up remover, deep conditioning hair treatment, or combine it with Nutiva Coconut Sugar and your favorite essential oil for an exfoliating, refreshing body scrub. Nutiva was founded in 1999 with a single purpose in mind - to Revolutionize the Way the World Eats. Our role is to produce and promote organic, nutrient dense superfoods that are good for you and good for the planet. Social and environmental responsibility is a core part of Nutiva's culture and business. From sourcing organic products, to obtaining fair trade certification, to greening our facilities and operations, to funding tree planting at schools in our local community, we are constantly seeking ways to better protect our environment and ensure a better quality of life for employees, customers, and the communities we serve. Brand: Nutiva, Model: RFC601W, Size: 15-Fluid Ounces
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