Numark Red Wave | Professional Over-Ear DJ Headphones with Rotating Earcup

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  • Designed by DJ's for DJ's
  • Swivelling earcup design lets you monitor house audio and the cue mix with ease
  • Breathable protein-leather padding that remains comfortable during extended use
  • Closed-cup, around-the-ear design maximizes noise rejection so you can concentrate on the beat
  • Large 50mm driver delivers punchy, defined low-frequency sound without distortion
  • Detachable headphone cable resists tangles, and connects to any 1/8-Inch (3.5mm) or 1/4-Inch (6.3mm) audio source
  • Includes a storage pouch for safe keeping between gigs

  • Engineered by DJs for DJs, Numark designed the Red Wave headphones with the entire music-listening experience in mind.

    Red Wave's large, 50mm neodymium drivers produce clean, powerful output. They employ a comfortable, closed-cup form for great isolation from outside noise with a convenient, swiveling design on one cup so they're easy to wear one-sided between the ear and shoulder. The ear cups also have breathable protein-leather for users to remain comfortable during prolonged use.

    Their sleek, modern design and color ensures they look as good as they sound.

    Red Wave also comes with 1/4" connector and gold-plated 1/8" adapter to quickly plug into MP3 players. The headphones fold down into the included carrying case for quick and convenient transport.

    Technical Specs Driver Unit: 50mm diameter Sensitivity: 98 /- 3dB Frequency Response: 15 Hz – 20 KHz Impedance: 24 ohm

    Brand: Numark, Model: REDWAVE, Color: Red, Size: ..Only Bluetooth 2.0

    Custom Tab 01

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