NUK Disney Winnie the Pooh Silicone Spout Active Cup, 10-Ounce

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  • Active Cup is designed for easy bottle to cup transition
  • Spill-proof spout designed to be gentle on gums
  • 100% leak-proof and spill-proof guaranteed
  • Ultra lightweight with convenient clip for easy carrying
  • 10-ounce cup comes in classic Winnie the Pooh and Tigger designs

  • The NUK Winnie the Pooh Silicone Spout Active Cup will help your baby transition to a sippy cup in style. All NUK Active Cups are ultra lightweight with a convenient clip to make carrying easy for mom and baby. The spill-proof spout will keep you happy and mess free! These cups are 100% leak-proof and spill-proof guaranteed. This 10-ounce cup comes in classic Winnie the Pooh/Tigger patterns and includes a cover to keep the spout clean. Easy to clean and dishwasher safe, the NUK Active Cup is BPA-free and features a bite-resistant hard spout that is designed for ages 12-months and older. This cup also coordinates with NUK Winnie the Pooh learner cups and pacifiers based on the Winnie the Pooh works by A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard. The NUK family of brands designs safe and fun products that encourage your baby's development. NUK is committed to nurturing your children's healthy transitions from birth to toddler and has worked for over 50 years to design high quality, innovative products that are scientifically proven to support safe and healthy development. Visit for all your baby and toddler needs.
    Brand: Disney, Model: 62744, Size: 1 pack

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