NUK Disney Winnie The Pooh Learner Cup with Silicone Spout, 5-Ounce

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  • Helps make the transition from bottle to cup easier
  • Spill-proof, soft spout is designed to be gentle on gums while teaching baby to drink from a spout
  • Air vent helps reduce swallowing air
  • Easy-grip, anti-slip handles are easy for baby to hold and removable as baby ages
  • Flows easily when sipped; Designed for ages 6-months and up

  • The NUK learner cup will help you transition baby from breast or bottle to cup with ease. The soft silicone spout is designed to be gentle on gums, easing the transition to cup. Easy grip handles make it easy for baby to hold. The parts are interchangeable with all NUK bottles making it easy to mix, match and expand as your baby grows. Mealtimes go a little faster when you feed your baby with the right utensils. Munchkin Soft- Tip Infant Spoon is round in shape, that's gentle on your baby's gum. The special handle is ergonomically designed for a comfortable hold and just the right length to reach the bottom of food jars. This is ideal for 3 month's baby.
    Brand: Disney, Model: 14086, Color: Winnie The Pooh, Size: 5 Ounce

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