NSi Industries TORK C515M In-Wall Spring Wound 15-Minute Commercial Grade Mechanical Interval Timer Switch - for Fans, HVAC, Whirlpools, Motors and Pumps - Automatic Off- Metal Single-Gang Wall Plate Included

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  • SIMPLE TO USE: With no electricity needed to operate, the timer allows you to manually turn on and automatically turn off whirlpools, HVAC, fans, pumps or other appliances by simply twisting the knob to the desired time.
  • CONVENIENT SCHEDULING AND FEATURES: The timer has a 15-minute time cycle, allowing the user to select a desired time on from 1 to 15 minutes. The timer will automatically turn off. The timer includes a metal wall plate with screw mounting.
  • RATINGS: 120-Volt, 20-Amp, 250/277-Volt, 10 Amp, Resistive and Inductive, 125-Volt, 7A Tungsten, 125-Volt, 1 HP Motor and 250-Volt, 2 HP Motor

  • The TORK C515M spring wound timer allows users to set fans, HVAC, whirlpools, motors, pumps and other appliances to automatically turn off, helping to save energy and money. The easy-to-use, twist dial timer features easy wiring with no neutral required, ideal for retrofitting existing wall switches. This timer is designed to replace any standard single or multi-gang wall switch. The "2-in-1" switch configuration wiring can be used for SPDT and SPST. The operating temperature is 32 °F to 122 °F (o °C to 50 °C). The timer includes a metal aluminum wall plate with screw mounting, adding extra security for commercial applications. This timer is not to be used in precision timing applications such as with sun lamps and saunas where inaccurate timing could have dangerous consequences. TORK has been a pioneer in the mechanical time switch industry since 1922.
    Brand: Tork, Model: C515M, Color: Metal-brushed aluminum, Size: #12AWG

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