Walker Glide Skis attaches easily to most folding walkers with 1 1/8" shaft diameter (no tools)
Our durable Walker Glide Skis are made of a special engineered thermoplastic, polyoxymethylene (POM), designed for high stiffness, low friction, and maximum stability
Easy-to-clean and stylish, designed to glide easily over different surfaces and door jams
No more tennis balls! Get Walker Skis! Fits all 1 inch tube shaft walkers
Optimizes walker performance and stability; attaches quickly to walker leg; no tools required; long lasting nylon material. NOVA Walkers Skis are a must for any folding walker. They attach easily on the rear legs to allow the walker to smoothly glide over surfaces door jams and other terrains. The durable plastic skis last much longer than tennis balls and other glide options. Unlike tennis balls they also do not track or collect dirt and germs from the ground. The attached rubber tip simply attaches to the tube of the walker leg – no tools required. Fits all 1 inch tube shaft walkers. Brand: NOVA Medical Products, Model: 40027GR, Color: Gray
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