Makes light, fluffy microwave popcorn without using oil
Made of gemstone unbreakable cookware with a plastic lid
Microwave safe
Dishwasher safe
Made in the USA
Ideal for popping delicious popcorn with or without oil. Serve directly from bowl. Quick and easy popcorn, from your microwave. Dishwasher & microwave safe. Make light and fluffy popcorn in about 4 minutes. Just place 1/2-cup of popcorn kernels in the bottom bowl and cover with the lid. When the popcorn has finished popping, invert the bottom bowl and lid, and you instantly have a container for your freshly popped corn. 12 cup capacity. Proudly made in the USA by Nordic Ware. Brand: Nordic Ware, Model: 60120AMZ, Color: White, Size: 1 Pack
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