The new Nissin Di700 comes with the stylish look; colorful LED control panel and selector dial which is the first one among the flash manufacturers. Even beginners can quickly get started. All settings can be easily operated by one finger-tip. The auto zoom coverage has increased to 24200mm from its predecessor. It can achieve maximum output of GN54 at 200mm. Compared with same level flashes from other brands, the Nissin Di700 can create a variety lighting changes. Due to the requirement of users, Nissin Di700 has new rotating lock release buttons. The flash head rotates horizontally 180 Degree to right and left, tilts up to 90 Degree and expanded 7 Degree of downward tilt, which is suitable for close up photography. It makes bounce shooting more arbitrary, with more angles that can be used. Brand: Nissin, Model: ND700A-S, Color: Black
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