4-piece fruit imitation shaker assortment: Apple, Banana, Lemon, Orange
Each piece is shaped like a different type of fruit and creates musical shaker sounds
Sturdy ABS plastic shells
Great for classrooms as part of a rhythm set
Easy to handle and fun for children to play
Age rating: 3
NINO Percussion offers an outstanding collection of musical instruments designed specifically for children to learn in the classroom or to play recreationally. These durable plastic imitation fruit shakers can be played individually or with other shakers and instruments for fun small group collaboration. The size is perfect for children to hold comfortably, allowing them to create interesting and exciting rhythms, and the fruit shapes are something they might already be familiar with. Whether played alone or with a group, the performance and sound quality of NINO Percussion instruments make them the ideal choice for young musicians and those who teach them. Brand: Nino Percussion, Model: NINOSET100, Color: 4-Piece Fruit Shaker Set
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