Smoke less than 10 cigarettes per day Start with Step 2
Clear NicoDerm with SmartControl Technology
Step 2 Starter KitIf you smoke 10 or less cigarettes per dayWhat is the NicoDerm CQ Patch and How is it usedNicoderm CQ is a small, nicotine-containing patch. When you put on a NicoDerm CQ patch, nicotine passes through the skin and into your body. NicoDerm CQ is very thin and uses special material to control how fast nicotine passes through the skin. Unlike the sudden jolts of nicotine delivered by cigarettes, the amount of nicotine you receive remains relatively smooth throughout the 24 or 16 hour period you wear the NicoDerm CQ patch. This helps to reduce cravings you may have for nicotine.NicoDerm CQ is a three step program. You start with the highest level of medicine and gradually step down your dose. If you smoke 10 or less cigarettes per day, start with Step 2.To Increase your success in quitting:You must be motivated to quit.Complete the full treatment program, applying a new patch every day.Use with a support program as described in the enclosed User's Guide. Brand: NicoDerm CQ
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