New-Skin Liquid Bandage1.0 FL OZ (Pack of 4), Liquid Bandage for Hard-to-Cover Cuts, Scrapes, Wounds, Calluses, and Dry, Cracked Skin

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  • Contains (4) 0.3 fl.oz. bottle New-Skin Liquid Bandage. Provides instant antiseptic treatment for hard-to-cover cuts, wounds, scrapes, calluses and dry, cracked skin by creating a rapid-drying, tough protective barrier while allowing skin to breathe.
  • New-Skin Liquid Bandage protects cuts and scrapes, prevents and protects blisters, helps prevent the formation of calluses and covers painful hangnails & chapped or cracked fingertips. Great for hikers, bikers, runners, bowlers, tennis players, & musicians
  • Rapid-drying & waterproof, this bandage keeps up with your active lifestyle. New-Skin Liquid Bandage technology provides antiseptic treatment for hard-to-cover cuts, wounds, scrapes, calluses and dry, cracked skin. No need for gauze or traditional bandages.
  • New-Skin Liquid Bandage is no ordinary bandage. But you're no ordinary person. This is a serious bandage that's waterproof and rapid-drying and still lets your skin breathe. Antiseptic and sterile, New-Skin is an advanced bandage for your active life.
  • New-Skin Liquid Bandage is an antiseptic flexible cut-and-scrape protection that so you can get back to the action at hand. It dries rapidly to form a tough protective cover that's waterproof and keeps out dirt and germs while letting skin breathe.

  • This product is not eligible for Priority Shipping. Image may vary from the actual product.New-Skin Liquid Bandage 1 oz ( Pack of 4)
    Brand: New-Skin, Size: Pack of 4

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