Bright Yellow Blank Playmat 23.5 x 13.5 Nested Egg
Each game mat measures approximately 23.5in X 13.5in.
The 1/16in thin mats are lighter and thinner to allow for a greater flexibility for transportation and storage.
These game mats have become a standard throughout the industry.
EGGBMY002 Bright Yellow Blank Playmat 23.5 x 13.5 Nested Egg These beautiful game mats are designed of top quality material and they are constructed with a bright yellow polyester cloth surface, and dense black open cell sponge rubber base with a non skid bottom that grips the surface with a soft, smooth surface to help with the longevity of gaming sleeves and cards. Each game mat measures approximately 23.5in X 13.5in. The 1/16in thin mats are lighter and thinner to allow for a greater flexibility for transportation and storage. These game mats have become a standard throughout the industry. The blank mats are ideal for making custom team mats, custom artwork, as well as using them for artists signings and many other creative purposes. Brand: Nested Egg
Custom Tab 01
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