Designed to make it more comfortable to carry a car seat or baby carrier with the crook of your elbow, leaving your hands free for other needs
Simply wrap the cushion around the handle and close with velcro fasteners
Soft foam is covered with 100% cotton sateen for ultimate comfort; also useful as a cushion between your shoulder and a diaper bag strap or any other heavy carry bag strap
Classic navy blue anchor design; 7.5 inches long and will fit any handle
Coordinates with a host of Peanut Shell on-the-go accessories
When you are on the go, the last thing you want is the carrier handle or diaper bag strap digging into your skin. The Navy Anchor Carrier Cushion by The Peanutshell provides a soft barrier between your arm and the car seat handle or shoulder and diaper bag strap. Soft foam is covered with a classic navy anchor print in 100% cotton sateen for ultimate comfort. Look for coordinating accessories from The Peanutshell. Brand: The Peanut Shell, Model: CUSANNV, Color: Navy Anchor
Custom Tab 01
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