When your emotions are healthy & balanced, you feel like yourself. Everyday tasks seem easy and you feel like you are in control. However, sometimes emotions can get out of balance, causing you to feel moody.
What most people don't know is this imbalance can be associated with SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine), a naturally occurring molecule produced by your body. SAM-e helps to support a healthy mood†, but your SAM-e levels can run low due to various factors such as diet and aging.
Now you can replenish your SAM-e levels by taking Nature Made SAM-e Complete. SAM-e can help support a healthy mood in as little as 7-14 days when taken daily.
Because SAM-e is naturally produced in your body, it also has other vital functions aside from helping to support healthy mood One of these other functions is to help support joint comfort†, which may naturally deteriorate with physical activity and age, by promoting a source of sulfur, which is a critical component of joint tissue
emotional health, mood stabilizers, mood enhancer, Nature Made SAM-e
What most people don't know is this imbalance can be associated with SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine), a naturally occurring molecule produced by your body. SAM-e helps to support a healthy mood†, but your SAM-e levels can run low due to various factors such as diet and aging. Brand: Nature Made, Model: 1100S, Size: 12 count
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