Promotes Calm & Relaxed Mood and help maintain a positive outlook
Natrol 5-HTP Plus combines 5-HTP with other mood supporting ingredients
Natrol 5-HTP Plus is our most complete formula supporting mood and relaxation
Time Release Formula
Contains a blend of natural ingredients. It is 100% drug-free, non-habit forming, and vegetarian
Sometimes everyone can use a little zen in a bottle. So at Natrol, we developed 5-HTP Plus, our most complete 5-HTP formula ever. 5-HTP Plus promotes a calm and relaxed mood throughout the day to support you at work, school, or home.† Natrol 5-HTP Plus contains a blend of natural ingredients. It is 100% drug-free, non-habit forming, and vegetarian. The time-release formula helps you to stay relaxed and maintain a positive outlook throughout the day.† 5-HTP Plus contains 100mg of 5-HTP (5-Hydroxtryptophan), a naturally occurring plant-derived amino acid that participates in the body's synthesis of serotonin, the chemical messenger that plays a key role in enhancing mood. This calming formula also includes Vitamin B6, B12, Inositol, Calcium & Magnesium traditionally associated with supporting mood and relaxation Natrol is the #1 selling brand of 5-HTP. Natrol 5-HTP Plus combines 5-HTP with other mood supporting ingredients. Natrol 5-HTP Plus is our most complete formula supporting mood and relaxation Brand: Natrol, Size: 150
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