NatraCure Arch Fixer (1 Pair) - 1284-MC CAT 2PK (Large/X-Large)

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  • Includes One (1) pair. Sizing: Fits Women's shoe sizes 10 and Men's shoe sizes 9
  • EXCELLENT SUPPORT: Built-in silicone gel pad instead of foam or polyurethane for soft yet firm support.
  • COMPRESSION THERAPY: Lifts plantar fascia tissue to help relieve arch and heel pain; and Compression Therapy to help alleviate Inflammation.
  • COMFORT & EASE: Stretchable and breathable nylon. Thin profile allows wearing inside shoes.
  • FAST RELIEF: from Plantar Fasciitis-related arch and heel pain; supports arch & reduces foot pronation (rolling in) by placing foot in ideal, neutral position. (Sizing: Fits Women's shoe sizes 10 and Men's shoe sizes 9 )

  • One pair. The NatraCure Gel Arch Fixer has stretchable fabric that easily allows you to pull band over toes and into place. The band helps reduce pronation and supports the plantar fascia while alleviating inflammation. This thin design with breathable fabric is comfortable enough to wear all day. Sizing: Large/X-Large fits Women's shoe sizes 10 and Men's shoe sizes 9.
    Brand: PolyGel, Size: Pair - Large/X-Large

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