National Geographic Crack Open 15 Geodes and Explore Crystals

National Geographic
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  • EXPLORE CRYSTAL CAVES - Geodes are naturally forming volcanic rocks that contain amazing crystal formations inside. Crack them open and discover beautiful minerals!
  • PREMIUM QUALITY - National Geographic selects only the best geodes collected from multiple mines around the world, so you're guaranteed to find fascinating crystals
  • INSPIRING A GENERATION - Kids love these treasure-filled rocks! Encourage an appreciation of nature and geology in your child with this extraordinary science kit
  • TEACHING SCIENCE - Learn all about geodes and minerals with the full-color educational learning guide included
  • RESPECTED QUALITY - National Geographic is proud to provide only the highest quality toys and all our kits are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee

  • Discover crystal treasure! Geology doesn't get more exciting then breaking open rocks and finding crystal treasures! Geodes can form with a variety of crystals inside and National Geographic has searched the globe to bring you the best variety of geodes. This earth science kit provides a hands-on science experiment that you and your children are guaranteed to love. This science kit includes: 15 high-quality crystal filled geodes, safety goggles, display stands, and full-color learning guide This is a perfect activity for energetic boys and girls! The included display stands are perfect for showcasing the crystals you find and starting a rock collection, while the learning guide will teach you many amazing facts about geodes! National Geographic Toys is proud to provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee with all our products so that you can buy with confidence. About the National Geographic Society With a mission to inspire people to care about the planet, the 126-year-old National Geographic Society is one of the world's largest nonprofit scientific and educational organizations. National Geographic's net proceeds support vital exploration, conservation, research, and education programs.
    Brand: National Geographic, Model: NGGEOBEST

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