NasalCrom Nasal Allergy Symptom Controller | 200 Metered Sprays | .88 fl oz

Nasal Crom
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  • Prevents and Relieves Nasal Allergy Symptoms: Running/Itchy nose, Sneezing, Allergic Stuffy Nose.Prevents Allergy Symptoms from occurring in the first place
  • NasalCrom stabilizes your nose's mast cells, which stops them from releasing histamines and other irritants that can cause allergy symptoms.It's different than most allergy medicines which only try to treat your symptoms after they're already bothering you
  • Safe for ages 2 years & Older.NO Steroids.Safe to use with other allergy medication
  • No drowsiness or jitters, plus its non-habit forming
  • Full prescription Strength Formula:0.88 fl oz (26 ml) sprayer.Contains thActive Ingredient: cromolyn sodium 5.2 mg (per spray), Nasal Allergy symptom controller

  • NasalCrom works differently other over-the-counter allergy products and brings relief from chronic allergy symptoms before they begin. When used before exposure to many common allergens, NasalCrom can prevent the onset of nasal allergy attacks and build protection against future symptoms as long as you continue to use it as directed.
    Brand: Nasal Crom, Model: 814832011017, Size: 200 Metered Sprays

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