Mustek PF-A700B 7-Inch Multimedia Digital Photo Viewer

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  • 7-inch color TFT LCD digital photo viewer
  • Multi-function device displays photos, plays music files, and features USB connectivity
  • Compatible w/SD, MMC, Memory Stick, and CF memory cards
  • Supports Up to 12 MP image files (JPEG file format)
  • Easy operation

  • The Mustek PF-A700B 7-inch digital photo frame displays hundreds of JPEG photos stored on SD, MMC, Memory Stick and other popular memory card formats -- all with out a PC, a printer or Internet access. Not only do the frames allow digital photographers to proudly showcase their photos, but when photo mode is not in use, you have the ability to use the frame as a desktop/tabletop MP3 player and listen to your tunes no matter where you are. Operation could not be simpler. The great thing about the PFA700B digital picture frames is that we have eliminated selecting that one perfect picture for a office desk or living room. Now you can interchange an entire library of images, for a full multimedia experience.
    Brand: Mustek, Model: PF-A700B

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