MRT63504 1:35 Merit British HMS X-Craft Submarine [MODEL BUILDING KIT] by Merit International

Merit International
Out Of Stock


  • This is a plastic model kit. Assembly and painting is required.
  • Paint and glue is NOT included.
  • Contains parts to build one model.

  • X-Craft was a Midget Submarine developed by the British Royal Navy for Special Warfare. The submarine with a 4 men crew was 15.9 m long with a maximum diameter of 1.75 m and a displacement of 30 tons. It was powered by a 42 hp diesel engine for surface sailing and a 30 hp electrical power engine for submerged propulsion. The boat had 4 watertight compartments and had removable high explosive packs mounted on both sides of the hull.

    On September 20, 1943, six X-Craft submarines were used in an attack on German warships in the port in Norway. Only 2 X-Craft succeed in detonating their loads and inflicted enough damage to German battleship "Tirpitz" and kept her out of commission until April, 1944.

    Brand: Merit International, Model: 63504

    Custom Tab 01

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