Mr. Gasket 5921 Ultra-Seal Exhaust Manifold Gaskets - 2 Per Set

Mr. Gasket
In Stock


Brand Mr. Gasket
Model 5921

  • Graphite facing provides heat resistance and thermal conductivity to transfer heat away from the cylinder head
  • Conforms to and seals minor surface irregularities
  • D-port gasket has 2.00 height and 1.55 width
  • Expanded steel core provides stability and maximum torque retention to eliminate gasket failure
  • Recommended for original equipment replacement, high performance street, drag race and oval track applications

  • This ultra-seal exhaust gasket is made of high temperature steel core/graphite faced exhaust material which seals the connection between the manifold and cylinder head. It prevents exhaust leakage out of the connection and also ensures that all exhaust gas will flow through the catalytic converter for treatment. Flange and ring gaskets seal other connection points in the exhaust system. It can be trimmed for modified ports and is packaged 2 per set.V6 and V8 engines require two manifold gaskets.

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