Mr. Gasket 5192 Complete Engine Cleaning Brush Kit

Mr. Gasket
In Stock


Brand Mr. Gasket
Model 5192

  • Includes nine assorted brushes to get at hard to reach grime anywhere on your engine or transmission
  • Ranges in diameter from a just a quarter inch to a full five inches
  • Made from stiff bristle nylon that won't soften or melt when subjected to harsh petrochemicals
  • Heavy gauge twisted steel wire handles bend enough to get around corners and through stubborn galleys without breaking
  • Handles end in a loop for easy hanging and storage

  • Mr. Gasket Complete Engine Cleaning Brush Kits include nine assorted brushes to get at hard-to-reach grime anywhere on your engine or transmission. Ranging in diameter from a quarter-inch to a full five inches, they're made from stiff-bristle nylon that won't soften or melt when subjected to harsh petrochemicals. The heavy-gauge twisted steel wire handles bend enough to get around corners and through stubborn galleys without breaking, and they end in a loop for easy hanging and storage.

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