Kit includes: 1 toilet scrubber handle, 1 storage and refill caddy and 6 refill disks
Storage caddy features lid to hide extra refill disks
Magic Eraser combined with Febreze freshness
Cleans toilets easily
Use with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Toilet Scrubber Refill Disks, Model #240546
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Toilet Scrubber with Febreze Freshness, combines the power of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser with the fresh scent of Febreze Meadows & Rain. Bring the power of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and Febreze together in this new and efficient cleaning tool designed to make cleaning your toilets easier. To use, remove the handle from the back of the caddy and use the head to lift the lid of the storage unit. Center the handle over the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser disk and press straight down to attach. Press the head against the side of the toilet to release the cleanser and Febreze fresh scent. Clean the bowl by scrubbing the inside surface of the toilet. Do not flush the used magic eraser disk down the toilet. When done, flush the toilet and eject the Magic Eraser disk by holding over the trash and pull on the trigger to release. Kit includes: 1 toilet scrubber handle, 1 storage and refill caddy and 6 refill disks. Brand: Mr. Clean, Model: 240279, Color: multicolor
Custom Tab 01
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