Double grip and wrist strap provides extra security to help prevent accidental dropping of camera or camcorder
Stabilizes video
Fully padded for comfort
One size fits all
Fits camera's and camcorder's 1/4-20 tripod mount
The Movo Photo HSG-2 DualStrap is designed for small to medium hand sizes, or those wanting a tighter fit. For a larger/looser version of this strap, please see the Movo Photo HSG-8 DualStrap The Movo Photo HSG-2 strap assures you of a firm grasp of your camera while out shooting. The padded hand cushion is comfortable and provides support when the shot appears. Rather than have your camera dangling from a long strap, this hand grip keeps your DSLR firmly in your hand so when you're ready to shoot, all you need to do is raise the camera to eye level and shoot. It attaches to your camera by first attaching its plastic plate with 1/4-20 thumb screw to your camera's tripod socket. Then, by back buckling the other end to your camera's strap lug, it locks into place. The HSG-2 attaches to both your hand/grip and your wrist for extra security. Brand: Movo, Model: HSG-2, Color: Black, Size: HSG-2 Dual Wrist and Grip Strap
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