Motorola T200TP Talkabout Radio, 3 Pack

Motorola Solutions
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  • Power through Your Adventures: There are two ways to power your radio: use the included NiMH rechargeable batteries for up to 10 hours or use 3 AA batteries for up to 29 hours.
  • 22 Channels Each with 121 Privacy Codes: With 22 channels and 121 privacy codes, totaling 2,662 combinations, it's easy to find an available channel.
  • Quickly Find a Channel: Use the scanning feature to see which channels are currently in use. Low Battery Alert: Low battery alert reminds you when batteries are running low.
  • Customize Call Tones: Choose what your callers hear before you start speaking by selecting one of the 20 call tones. Eco Smart: Most of the energy wasted when using a mobile device occurs during the charge.
  • Compatible with Any Radio: You can communicate with other FRS/GMRS radios regardless of brand by being on the same channel and privacy codes.

  • Affordable communications for the active family. With a range of up to 20 miles and the freedom to communicate wirelessly, the Talkabout T200 lets you stay in touch, whether you're using it on the playground, in the neighborhood, during a camping trip or shopping around town. Thanks to its featherweight, compact design, the T200 is comfortable to use. With 22 channels and 121 privacy codes, it's easy to stay in touch while you are out and about. The T200 is available in a twin pack or a triple pack. How far can I expect my radios to communicate The communication range quoted is calculated based on an unobstructed line of sight test under optimum conditions. Actual range will vary depending on terrain and conditions, and is often less than the maximum possible. Your actual range will be limited by several factors including, but not limited to: terrain, weather conditions, electromagnetic interference and obstructions.
    Brand: Motorola Solutions, Model: T200TP, Color: Gray, Size: T200TP

    Custom Tab 01

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