Morakniv Craftline Robust Trade Knife with Carbon Steel Blade and Combi Sheath (3.6-Inches)

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  • Fixed blade utility knife with an extra-think carbon steel blade for extra strength and durability
  • Blade Thickness: 0.125 in (0.32 cm), Blade Length: 3.6 in (9.1 cm), Total Length: 8.25 in (20.9 cm), Net Weight: 4.9 oz (140 g)
  • Ergonomic handle of TPE rubber provides optimum grip
  • Hard plastic Combi-Sheath allows for the connection of a second knife and sheath
  • Limited lifetime manufacturer's warranty.

  • The Morakniv Craftline Robust Trade Knife features an extra-thick, 3.6 x 0.125-inch carbon steel fixed blade. High carbon steel achieves high hardness, sharpens easily and is exceptionally tough. High carbon steels are preferred in applications that demand durability and frequent regrinding. The material is harder than stainless steel, allowing it to hold a sharper and more durable acute edge. The Morakniv Robust has an impact-resistant, ergonomic TPE rubber handle with coil-formed rounding that provides extra grip and control. A finger guard provides additional safety. Included with the knife is a hard plastic Combi-Sheath, which provides a quick-connect feature for attaching a second knife and sheath. Morakniv has been manufacturing the highest quality knives in Mora, Sweden since 1891. Limited lifetime manufacturer's warranty.
    Brand: Morakniv, Model: M-12249, Size: 3.6"

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