Each day, rays from the sun recharge the included AA NiCd battery. At dusk, the battery activates to turn on the included LED bulb inside the unit.
Installation is simple and takes only a few minutes of your time. Just push the stake on the unit down into soft earth and allow to charge for a full day in the sun.
Durable black plastic with plastic lens with the look of hammered glass. A detailed plastic frame around the lens adds interest and style.
Measures 16.8 inches from top to bottom. Above ground height after installation is approximately 12 inches, depending on the depth you install the stake.
1-Year Limited Warranty
Moon rays 97517 Meredith Solar Powered Plastic Path Light, 4-Pack. This detailed frame over the lens adds interest to this pathway light. With 1 warm white 1.2 lumen LED, each fixture gives the perfect amount of soft light to any path. Each set comes with 1 x 300mAh AA NiCad rechargeable battery that runs for up to 8 hours fully charged. Each box comes with four fixtures each. Brand: Moonrays, Model: 97517, Color: Black, Size: 4-Pack
Custom Tab 01
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