Moluk Plui Rain Bath Toy - Green

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  • This Plui is green, bath toys are must for bathtime and this one is sure to be big hit
  • Theyre the Swiss designers behind the fabulous Bilbo and this latest addition to the range doesnt fail to impress
  • Simply fill the Plui with water and then work bit of physics into the equation put your finger over the hole at the top and the water stays in, take your finger off and the water rains out the nozzles on the bottom
  • Kids will have ball with this, plus itll look great on the side of the bath
  • Suitable for all For Ages (even grown-ups), its available in yellow, blue or green

  • Whether in the bath or in the pool, this rain ball stimulates the senses while learning basic physical principles. Immerse it in water to fill it up, then lift your finger from the nozzle to let the water stream out. Made by Moluk. For ages 1 years.
    Brand: Moluk, Model: 48K, Color: Green

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