Independently tested NRR 27, with a new sound dampening additive
Earplugs can be washed and reused
Pocket-Pak carrying case provides hygienic storage of plugs between uses
Qty: 2 pairs
With an NRR 27 rating, the Rockets reusable earplugs provide serious protection for most noisy environments. Tested independently in an accredited laboratory to ANSI S3.19-1974. The air bubble in the tip provides cushioned Rockets earplugs can be washed and reused. Each pair comes with a Pocket-Pak carrying case to keep them clean when not in use. The smooth shape slides easily into your pocket. No sharp edges.comfort for all-day wear. The soft, flexible flanges provide a superior seal and fit most size ear canals. Qty: 2 pairs. Brand: Rockets, Model: 6400
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